Thursday, December 19, 2013

Will There Be A BREAKTHROUGH for PR in GE14?

Nelson Mandela has left the world for the afterlife...RIP.

A prisoner turned president, his route to president of South Africa is full of challenges. Challenges that many are not willing and prepared to take. Arrests and prosecutions did not deter him until finally convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment. 27 years behind bars, released only after an international campaign lobbying for his freedom.

His fight against apartheid in South Africa eventually bears fruit, saved his nation that was torn apart, making him one of world's great leaders in a row with Mahatma Gandhi.
A man who respects justice, his demise surely brings sadness to those opposing racism and religious fanaticism.

A man who not only moved his nation towards justice, but also moved the masses. He will deeply missed and may God bless the soul and memory of a great man, Nelson Mandela.
If only Malaysia follows his broad-mindedness and brilliant approach, national reconciliation post GE13 could well be achieved.

Many quarters opined, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak erred for comparing his Umno party with Mandela. To liken Umno's struggle with that of Mandela could be construed a sheer exaggeration on the part of PM Najib.
Does Malaysia needs it's own Nelson Mandela? Many would say, YES!

John Maxwell said,"A leader, is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way."

PR's Breakthrough. 
A breakthrough for PR (Pakatan Rakyat) in 2018 means, to successfully unseat BN (Barisan Nasional)govt through a democratic process of a general election (GE) and to successfully form the next govt immediately after GE14.

It would be the sweetest breakthrough after a closely fought battle in GE13.
Should the Chinese votes stay (for PR) in GE14, a swing (tsunami?) in Majority Malay and Indian votes would make PR's breakthrough inevitable, even without much dependent on Sabah & Sarawak's votes.

BN govt post GE13 is already making majority Malaysians unhappy with endless controversy and rising cost of living following slates of price hikes in consumer products & services.

The unhappy rakyat (people) surely include those of BN's own supporters who voted for them in GE13. Instead of delivering content of their GE13's manifesto inclusive of pledges & promises, BN govt chose to impose burdens on the rakyat with the increased prices of sugar, gas, petrol & diesel as early as GE13 was concluded.

The most recent being the new tariff for electricity which will be effective on Jan 1, 2013. It is predicted that more products & services would see hikes in 2014 before the implementation of GST (Goods Service Tax) in Mac, 2015.

Voters' frustration and anger could well be translated into votes against BN govt in 2018 creating more rooms for PR's breakthrough.

Is There A Need For An Alternative Govt? 
Since independence in 1957 to present day, BN is the legitimate ruling party. Meaning, it has been a long 56 years of rule and would touch the figure 60 (a rare, if not None-in democratic world) on expiry of their current mandate in 2018.

51% in popular votes against BN in GE13 samples rakyat's strongest displeasure and/or disapproval towards their ineffectiveness and style in running the nation.

Variety of issues, ranging from corruption & graft, national debt of almost RM520 Billion to racism and siphoning billions of dirty money outside the country (GFI report).

These have enhanced awareness among the majority rakyat to the need of having an alternative govt, to put Malaysia back in it's right track.

Internet has played it's significant role in helping to open the eyes of many Malaysians. Years of hypocrisy and wrongdoings and/or manipulations by the govt have been ripped open and presented to the rakyat as the new reality.

The dusts that have all these years swept under the carpet, is now choking the rakyat and the internet has made it almost impossible for the govt to do cover-up jobs.

Exposure after exposure has helped the rakyat to form an opinion that only a new alternative govt is capable of dismantling Umno/BN's legacy that has little benefit to the people and nation.

56 years have they ruled the country, and today, we still hear race calling. BN govt and party leaders are still talking about Malays, Chinese, Indians, Punjabi and others.
BN's divide and rule by race has not done any good to the nation and how would Malaysians of all races possibly unite as one under BN's govt?

It was Dr Mahathir (former 22-year prenier) who outlined the 9 challenges Malaysia must overcome to achieve then Vision 2020. The 1st being- Establishing a united Malaysian nation made up of One Bangsa Malaysia (Malaysian Race).

If the 9 challenges are to be strictly followed, Malaysia under BN's govt would never be able to overcome (even new timeline is set) the challenges. The reason being BN govt and it's party leaders never stop harping on racial issues. Umno just concluded AGM speaks volume.
Isn't that a contributing factor towards the need of an alternative govt?

How Would An Alternative Govt Benefits The Country And Rakyat. 
People would expect the new alternative govt to 'revolutionize' previous govt's administration, applying necessary reforms.

Putting a stop to issues such as cronyism and nepotism, breaking up monopoly system, combat and eradicate corruption that knows no boundaries, which could destroy even civilisation and more importantly that has placed Malaysia among most corrupt nations in region.

Ensuring independence of the judiciary, (censuring judges with injudicious conduct), bring to book looters of public funds/resources and on recovery, returning it to the rakyat and many more.

Parallely important, ensuring welfare and the well-being of the rakyat without ignoring on the country's need to progress and advance another notch.

Since Vision 2020 is now discarded, people would expect the new alternative govt to set a new direction towards making Malaysia a developed nation.

Will PR Be Lucky in 2018? 
Now, PR would be lucky indeed, if the general election is conducted FREE, FAIR & CLEAN. Lucky,


1 - Election Commission (EC) is impartial & honest in their constitutional duty.

2 - Clean electoral roll.

3 - Fair (No foul play) in constituency re-delineation process.

 4 - No FRAUD.

5 - No money politics (vote-buying).

6 - No dirty tactics.

7 - No spreading of lies and slanders by Umno/BN leaders and it's controlled main stream medias (MSM).

8 - No use of govt machinery and govt servants.

9 - Not restricting PR a fair (reasonable) airtime in govt tv and radios.

10- Etc.

What Is PR's Chances Of Victory In GE14? 
Without all the IFs, PR's chances is as clear as the blue sky. With the increasing awareness for an alternative govt,only FRAUDS would deny PR's victory.

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