Sunday, August 11, 2013

BR1M - Teach to Fish and Not giving Fish

No offence to it's recipients, but I opined Barisan National (BN) BR1M (Malaysia People's Assistance) is no difference than giving 'fish' instead of teaching them how to fish.

BN Govt is only letting the 'subsidy mentality' to stay in the minds of the people esp (with due respect), the Malays.

Public fund of that size is given out without effect that could encourage and  spearhead competitiveness among the people.

I welcomed Second Finance Minister Ahmad Husni's decision for not wanting to contest the Umno supreme council seat following what he claims 'message' he got from the 'rakyat' (people) in recent general election (GE) and instead would focus on his ministerial duties. 

Among Umno leaders seen taking seriously 'lesson' from GE13 when many had indicated their stand to contest party polls, inclusive Mohd Ali Rustam the ex-chief minister of Malacca who was unseated in GE13.

Will there be anymore Umno leaders adopting to similar step by Ahmad Husni? Will Umno Women chief Sharizat sincerely more than willing and prepared not defending the post to pave way for younger and controversy free leader that could not only contribute but help 'repair' the party's image? 

Are they going to be claim(s) that their 'guidance' are still very much needed?.
If only delegates and members eligible to vote learned what Ahmad Husni learnt, then it won't be a problem
even if those 'expired' leaders participate in the party polls.

While Ahmad Husni's decision (not contesting) is bold, he should also be bold as to review, make proposals & recommendations to the Govt on all 'unproductive' incentives such as BR1M (started before GE13 and widely speculated and/or alleged as a 'buying vote' tactic by BN) instead of reviewing or revising for an increase in payouts.

BR1M should be replaced with program(s) and/or plan(s) that could bring long term benefits to the rakyat.

With nation's current enormous deficits and potential economic challenges ahead, the Govt should be more than prudent in its spending.

Many friends met during 'Hari Raya Aidilfitri' (Eid) celebration expressed 'simplicity' citing their 'economic situation' do not warrant them to have 'grand' celebration.

It's uncertain if 'economic heat' will surge the nation, but early signs are beginning to show.

I recalled a statement by Umno-BN spokesman who claims that Umno-BN now has the best brains to counter the opposition.

While it's not wrong politically speaking, isn't it wiser if best brains are utilized among others, to reduce the alarming deficits?

We can understand the 'fear' in Umno-BN towards the  'strength' of the opposition esp after their two-third majority was denied in 2 consecutive GEs, but being the Govt of the day, they are duty bound to ensure the nation will not plunge into financial crisis.

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