Thursday, October 31, 2013

GE 13 Done. Umno Party Polls Done. Will Malaysia Excel?

I took a brief recess to writing mainly to wait for the outcome of Umno party polls recently concluded.

I was right when Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Shafie Apdal sustained their Umno veep positions but I was wrong when Hishammuddin Hussein too, secured his victory.

My prediction that Mukhriz Mahathir (son of Malaysia's 22 years premier) would defeat Hishammuddin turned out otherwise. But wait, the former has won in popular votes and the latter's pride was saved by the one division one vote system.

Can Hishammuddin boast of his victory?

Should Mukhriz in any way, discontented, it was the same feelings Pakatan Rakyat (People's Pact) and their supporters felt when they were denied a governtment despite winning the majority in popular votes in Malaysia's 13th general election (GE). It only proved how system were designed to suit it's designers.

I don't give the slightest expectation that ex-ministers Mohd Ali Rustam and Isa Samad would serve as threats to the incumbent veeps, unless, a massive money politics are invested taking into account of the new system implemented by the party.

However, I'm kinda surprised at the rejection they (Mohd Ali & Isa) got from party delegates. Personally, I opined it's a disgrace to their years of services in the party and govt.

Mohd Ali Rustam, one of the many Umno leaders who had been vocal if not provocative in accusing the Chinese voters for their ingratitude towards BN in recent 13th GE is now rejected by Malay delegates during the Umno general assembly.

To add salt to injury, even divisions from his own homestate were not unanimous in offering their support.

For incumbent Wanita (Women) Chief and Umno Youth Chief, my prediction was right. The former, despite surrounded by the NFC controversy was still seen getting 'endorsement' by top party & govt leaderships. Her current position (non-ministerial though) speaks volume.

I was taken aback when Kairy Jamaluddin sustained the Umno Youth with a KO victory. It never occured to me that his contender would recieve zero vote despite Khairy's tainted record of being found guilty to money politics in lasat general assembly.I find it just hard to digest and felt it's kinda ridiculous.

My only surprise was when Saifuddin Abdullah (former Temerloh member of parliament and deputy education minister) failed to garner enough votes to sustain the supreme council seat. I'm not compelled to comment further on this issue as it has been widely spoken in the social medias.

With GE 13th and Umno polls concluded, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak is now comfortably at the driver's seat with his two hands on the steering wheel. His hands will determine the direction of the vehicle he drives.

During my recess too, many interesting things and/or situations had taken place.One of them is the 'battle' between Malaysiakini and the govt over the publication permit.

I would not want to jump the gun in declaring or accepting victory for Malaysiakini following rulings of the High Court and the Appellate Court.

If Altantuya Shariibuu's murder case can be of some reference, the Federal Court (Highest court of the land) could still unanimously rule in favour of the govt upon appeal. Thus, it's better to hold on to sending congratulatory greetings or messages, what more a celebration.

I cannot help laughing when the home minister argued that there are already a lot of newspapers and that allowing Malaysiakini a publication would affect other newspapers' profit and it's publication too would cause a confusion.

I myself is confused with that arguements. Since when newspaper company's profit and loss fall under the jurisdiction of the home minister?

Popularity (acceptance) of any newspaper would be determined by it's content. When a newspaper company encounters a decline in readers' index and/or decline in sales, the first thing they ought to do is to check the quality of their newspapers.

I for one, has stopped buying and reading mainstream newspapers for years. Why? Simply because I felt that they are biased in reporting, slanderous (as proven in their numerous lost suits), to mention afew.

Thus, I won't be surprised granting Malaysiakini a publishing permit would pose a threat to many mainstream newspapers, esp those owned by the ruling parties.

At this stage, I can only take off my hat to the High Court judge and the three-member Appellate Court for their fearless rulings in upholding the right to press freedom. Judges are also human. 

While some are principled, some may be easily bent. My only fear is when judges take lightly their purpose of existence and bow to political pressures.

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