Controversy after controversy, fiasco to fiasco, allegation after allegation. Before one subsides, new ones surface. New ones supersede the previous in drawing public attention and while new ones are scrutinized, the previous dwindle in drawing public attention and find it's place under the carpet - Unresolved!
BN leaders & politicians.
It's utterly pathetic of Umno partners in BN particularly the peninsula based parties - MCA (largest Chinese based party), Gerakan, MIC (largest Indian based party), PPP and others.
When their leaders and spokesmen stop at nothing from antagonising and/or harassing the opposition parties and it's leaders for the slightest sign(s) of misdeed(s), where are they in the issue of Rosmah Mansor's controversy? a fiery debated controversy following her entourage to Qatar with govt jet funded trip.
Where are the barking MCA leaders who were 'hostile' on Penang Pakatan Rakyat (PR) govt's business trip to China? So silent till one could hear a pin drops?.
There goes the popular Malay saying, "paku dulang paku serpih, mengata orang dia sendiri lebih." (simply means - one who criticises others is even worst than the criticised).
Last but never the least, where are the arrogant BN ministers and MPs (except perhaps, Shahidan Kassim & MP Azalina) whom were renowned for their hard critics be it in parliament house or outside the house? Are they a sheer obedient servants to their master or are they just incorrigible?
Rosmah Mansor & the controversy.
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Datin Rosmah Mansor (middle) in Qatar. |
The 2nd women in PM Najib's marriage is extra ordinarily famous among the people. For whatever she wronged, truth will prevail, though eventually.
I also agreed with the writer who further said Rosmah is not wrong. All she did was submitting the request. All she did was to get herself invited to the Qatar Businesswomen's forum. All she did was to get wives of ministers to join her and without forgetting to get the wife of NFC executive chairman (NFC Scandal) Mohamad Salleh Ismail and Umno wanita (women) chief Sharizat Jalil.
Many have said this is not the first controversy and may not be the last by the First Lady of Malaysia (FLOM) as she styles herself. She was prior to this implicated in most intriguing controversies such as the Scorpenes, Altantuya Shariibuu and the gargantuan RM24 million diamond ring.
The real issue.
Seriousness of the issue lies with the top leadership of BN govt and members of the cabinet. They approved her request and should this controversy is not appropriately resolved, BN govt's honor, credibility & integrity and moral value would be in total wreck.
Shahidan's explaination that she's entitled to such privileges should the govt approve would surely not go down well with people and the opposition. Even if discretion is used, it must be exercised responsibly.
What others say..
A Muslim association Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (ISMA) reminded PM Najib that being spendthrift with public fund is also a form of treason.
It's president Abdullah Zaik Abd Rahman said those in power have been entrusted with managing public monies, as reported by Malaysiakini.
Govt debt.
Ahmad Maslan, a deputy finance minister and Umno Malaysia communication chief said, the federal govt's debt has seen a slight increase to 53.6% from Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as of the end of October this year, writes Malaysiakini.
Not much thing seems declining not even corruption? and yet, we are seeing how public fund (taxpayers money) conviniently used for purpose that don't benefit people at large.
MACC & recognition.
Chief commissioner of the MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) Abu Kassim Mohamed was appointed Vice-President of the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (IAACA). It's a huge recognition on the part of Mohamed Kassim and the MACC, but such recognition must also be reflected with MACC's serious effort in combating corruption in Malaysia.
Writer's opinion.
With all due respect to the govt of the day, I can't help but to opine that it'll be an uphill task for them to put the said values in place unless and until they (BN) find the magic moment and methodology in compensating the majority rakyat (people) for their lost values. Forget not, like respect, confidence and trust must also be earned.
Malaysian electorate (voters) have given BN govt a clear reminder in 2008 general election (GE12) when their two-third majority was denied and worst, loosing 5 states to the opposition.
Voters made it even clearer in GE13 when BN was again, denied it's two-third majority and worst, loosing the popular vote for the first time to the opposition.
Now, when it comes to economy, most Malaysians don't often grasp the meaning of billions and trillions, but as far as controversy is concerned - believe me, they would know how to compute.
In building for a better tomorrow, the country/nation don't really need a perfect govt, sufficed with a govt of good governance.
An enlightened govt is when it's members/leaders not only steer the nation to prosperity but create opportunity for it's citizens, creating a better world for all.
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