Friday, December 06, 2013


An author may take months to complete a book, the least we could do to appreciate is by reading it. Likewise, the govt may have spent time and effort before they could disclose good news that amuses the rakyat (people), the least people could do to appreciate is by saying Thank You and offer compliments.

Disheartening or not when people could hardly read or hear any good news after 13th general election (GE13)? The only news that people read & hear are endless controversies and continuous hikes -from consumer products & services to proposed assessment tax for Kuala Lumpur property owners.

Almost immediately after GE13, rakyat has been burdened with the increased prices of sugar, gas & fuel. Now, even before KL'ites could digest and compute the new burden, like an explosion of a volcano, announcement of new electricity tariff was made which will take effect on Jan 1, 2013. Let alone the coming GST (Goods Service Tax) and the rumored toll hike and others.

Like one who has just obtained a new driving license, BN govt stop at nothing allowing or consenting it's cronies to raise their products and GLCs (Govt-Linked Companies) such as TNB to increase electricity tarif.

It's not even irony as majority rakyat (51% voters) has predicted these would happen should BN is returned to power. I guess compliments should be given to the minority voters for returning the incumbent govt. Let's see if govt's BR1M would make them to continue smiling. Forget not, not all Malaysians are qualified for BR1M.

What is more saddening is the level of hypocrisy, intolerance, judgements, even jingoism and etc that continue being the backdrop of the ruling govt inclusive organisations they affiliated.
Appalling, it just don't stop evolving in this Bolehland, making me wonder why are BN's intellectual leaders and organisations (think tank) not advising them as if left unchecked, it could have an adverse effect on BN's own political survival?

Thus, is the BN govt loosing it's touch and control or are they merely bored ruling for too long (56 years)?.
Is BN govt's inability to curb the above-said, signs of a collapsing govt?.

Under normal circumstances, majority of the rakyat would not dislike govt of the day for no reason, it happens when the govt itself is seen as failing the rakyat.

Rakyat's dislike grow in parallel with failures on the part of the govt. I would interpret that (rakyat's dislike) as a process towards rejection, snowballing to becoming a force that could bring down a govt democratically or otherwise.

An example of that is when the majority Chinese community voters democratically rejected the BN coalition in GE13. Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak called it the Chinese Tsunami.

The govt's inability to contain and control esp repeated and/or continuous issues from any of the abovesaid may lead to several probabilities.

The mostly feared is when racial sentiments are ignited, worsened by continuous unjust such as race profiling and provocative actions by organisations renowned for the stance in upholding and/or fighting for rights & privileges of a single race. Conflict could escalates into real racial crisis which in turn could pose threat to national security & stability.

Of late, there are numerous issues that could be construed a threat to racial relations. The prohibition on the use of the word Allah for instance, was addressed in a manner that could trigger tension, worsened by actions of non-governmental organisation linked to the BN govt. At times, their voices are heard louder and ahead of the the govt's actions.

I simply cannot resist the assumption that among the contributing factors -hypocrisy, intolerance, judgements, jingoism and etc difficult to control came from leaders of the govt itself who obviously lack in quality.

Repeatedly written, appointments of expired, tainted, controversy-laden leaders may not only created issues but unable to assist uplifting govt's performance and image. However, PM Najib chose to continue Umno/BN tradition of awarding and rewarding 'seasoned' leaders with key positions in the name of recognition (for their past services) when there should not be any compromy to quality and competency.

For country's continuous growth and success, high performance leadership is needed in every vital aspects and vision. Most importantly, their quality would bring lesser issues.

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